Younger German Organ Tablature

• Aug 3, 2022 - 21:55

I would love to type german organ tablature - the historical one, like Bach used - like with the guitar/lute-thingies, but without strings/frets. The font is already there, in the Symbols-menu, awesome!

It would require that the pitches be represented by the gothic letters (in the font), the octaves by the upper/lower case letters or the horizontal stroke above the letter, and the durations by the symbols above the letter and evt the octave stroke.
Now it looks like the symbols have to be distributed and positioned manually on the page, and that doesn't really work for writing music.

I want to make a digital edition of a manuscript - see excerpt attached. But I can't find software for it. Musescore is the closest one!

Best greetings

Attachment Size
generated_06_12_12_32_06.pdf 616.93 KB


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