Playback of slide (Fall / Plot / Scoop / etc.) on brass

• Aug 21, 2022 - 23:27

Working on an arrangement for jazz band, and have parts where I want to add a fall to some brass parts. I know I can notate this using the items in the Glissandi pallet, and also know that playback is not (currently) supported when using this symbol - so playback needs to be managed manually.

Marc Sabatella has a good example of this in his "Muscscore Cafe Theme" score posted to But I'm having trouble replicating the output that Marc encoded in his piece, as shown in the attached score.

The first measure is copied directly from the Musescore Cafe Theme, and gives the playback I'm looking for - quick change in the note, ends at the end of the second beat. (Note that the second note appears at the beginning of beat 3, and there appear to be 4 1/2 beats in this measure - the half note, the eighth note that is hidden, and the half rest.) The second measure is my attempt to replicate - pitch change takes place more slowly, and extends into the third beat.

Two questions I'm hoping someone (maybe even Marc, who authored the original) can help with:

1) How do I replicate the playback of measure 1 in the attached (in other words, how do I do this the "right" way)?

2) Will playback of Fall / Plot / etc. notation be supported in MS4? (In other words, will this manual override be needed going forward?)

Thanks -

Attachment Size
Trumpet Scoop Example.mscz 6.5 KB


In reply to by Jm6stringer

Thanks very much for the help. The key for me is using the eighth grace note - once I got that, the rest fell into place pretty quickly (without needing to adjust values in PRE).

The process below seems to work for me:
1) Enter starting note using the time value I want for the slide (half note in the example I was using)
2) Add "Grace: eighth after" from the Grace Notes pallet, adjust pitch to the note for the end of the slide
3) Add a Glissando from the starting note to the ending (grace) note
4) Select the glissando, and using the inspector change it to a Portamento, with Ease In set to 100. Also uncheck "visible" for this element
5) Select the grace note and using the inspector uncheck "play" and "visible"

For me, this process sets the appropriate OnTime and Len values for the notes - there was no need to manually adjust them when I followed this procedure.

But I also found that things get a little wonky if the main note crosses a bar line, as shown in Trumpet Scoop Example 3.mscz . The gliss seems to only apply to the part of the note in the new measure. Anyone with ideas on how to kludge through this?

Thanks -

Hello! The way I did it was add a "grace note after" - that's not a regular eighth note. There are no extra beats - the grace note does not add time.

And yes, there has been some work on playback for these in MuseScore 4, you can hear it in the alpha. I think it may be a work in progress still, but definitely the basics are there.

Thank you both for your help. I definitely have enough info to manage the piece I'm working on now, and will continue to monitor MS4 (as it sounds like this workaround may not be needed in the future).

Thanks again -

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