Help with playback errors (wrong instruments)

• Aug 29, 2022 - 22:29

I'm engraving several horror cues from the musical "Young Frankenstein", but with as far as I've gotten, the piccolo part keeps messing up the instrument type. The piccolo at the beginning is playing as a timpani, and as it goes on it becomes a drum set, then a guitar-like sound, and so on. I've tried multiple things to fix this, even so far as deleting and remaking the top line and copy-pasting the notes and redoing the instrument changes, but it still goes back to what I described previously. What can I do to fix this?

Attachment Size
Young_Frankenstein_Horror_Cues.mscz 300.97 KB


I believe what is happening is that you have so many instrument changes in this piece that you have actually run out of MIDI channels to put instruments on, so your piccolo channels are being overwritten with channels from your other instruments. Probably the only way to circumvent this is to make more individual staves for things like mallet percussion that are being changed frequently. That way, vibraphone, glockenspiel, xylophone, etc. are only getting one channel each. Every time you switch between instruments on one staff you are creating a new MIDI channel, even if that staff has used that instrument before.

No idea either. But on my system, your piccolo line shows up as Flute in my mixer. I copied, then deleted the first 13 measures of that staff. And pasted them into a new score. Those 13 measures played fine. I copied them back into your score and percussion played. As happened to you. I added a Piccolo staff to your score, and pasted the 13 measures into it. They played properly.
Also, in my mixer your oboe and clarinet staves are labeled reed one and reed two.

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