deleting parts from a score

• Aug 29, 2022 - 22:44

I am writing a jazz combo arrangement, but instead of using all the horn parts that Musescore provides, I just need the trumpet part. However, whenever I go into the "Parts", and try to delete the alto sax, tenor sax, and trombone parts, the application crashes on me. I click the (-) sign next to the "instruments in score" and "instruments in parts" tab and it crashes on me. I need to get this fixed asap so I can submit the arrangement for a competition.


It is not exactly clear what you are trying to do.

If you are trying to delete the instruments from the score, you do that from Edit>Instruments where you can click select the instrument and click the Remove from Score button. See

Once you have the instrument line up you want you can save the score as a template and re-use it whenever you want. See

If there are already individual parts for each instrument then if you have the trumpet part in view and press print, then only that part will print. Alternatively you can go to File>Parts and select the unwanted parts in the upper pane and press delete. You have to do that once per part, you can't select multiple parts and delete them all at once. See

If none of that helps, come back and attach the score you are having problems with (the .mscz file) and explain in more detail what you want it to look like.

Definitely, all you need is Edit / Instruments - that's where you remove the instrument. Removing the part without removing the instrument would leave it in the score still, which is presumably not what you want.

Still, it shouldn't crash, and we'd like to investigate that. Please attach your score and precise steps to reproduce the crash so we can see about fixing it. But again, you shouldn't be in this dialog at all - you want Edit / Instruments.

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