Arrangement with Repeats and DS, DC & Coda

• Aug 30, 2022 - 03:29

Not sure if this is the right place to ask but... I have a song that has sections A, B, C & D. The form is A, B, C, A, C, A, D. Is there a way to not have to write out all these sections in order? How do I direct MuseScore to replay A, C, A then go to D?

Here's the catch... the A section has a repeat.

Thanks for your help!

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Anthem GTR Chart.mscz 40.44 KB


The B section has a repeat too.
However: repeats on a jump are not a problem, just tick the corresponding box in the Jump instruction's inspector

So you want A, A, B, B, C, D, A, A, C, A, A, D?

A, A, B, B, C, D, A, A, C, D would be easy, with a Segno at the start of A, a To coda at the end of A, a Coda at the start of C and a D.S al coda (con rep.) at the end (of D)

Problematic is that 2nd jump. Notated in the attached, but not working

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Anthem GTR Chart.mscz 37.74 KB

Also problematic: A, B, C and D start mid measure, jumps don't allow for that.
You'd need to split the measures (and possibly hide the barlines)

The timing of your melody seems to be off by 1/8th.

Attached a simplified version by moving the score by that amount; fixing the intro timing to match the further score rhythms (if you further equalize the intro timing, you can also use a repeat and volta pattern as in the other parts of the score and reduce another system away; giving a bit more breathing room to your score.

Then as per Jojo-suggestions I've used split-measure at the rehearsal marks for easier score layout. Also noted that since you've had the score shifted, it'd make more sense now to move the repeat barlines up a measure and adjust the volta's accordingly.

I've used the trick of creating a very short (1/64th) additional measure at the end of C to allow for the 2nd jump to perform A-D correctly. We'd almost gotten away without the additional measure because the start of A and D are similar (so move the 2nd jump to the up-beat of D and jump straight into the repeat of A; but this breaks as the jump is then taken again due to it being part of the coda itself as well..

Changed the text of the D.S. and the toCoda to make the roadmap clear for your readers; marked all the other jump instructions stuff invisible.

To neatly hide away the additional short trick measure, adjusted the minimal measure width to 2sp (as low as it can go) and adjusted displacing the rest/barline for it in a similar fashion (also note the minimal distance and leading space corrections on it to minimize it's layout impact). The stretch for that measure is set to 0, while the other measure on that system have been increased one notch (to 1,10).

I've also added a bit of spacers around C, as it is a very vertically crowded part of the score; possibly pulling the 2nd system a bit closer to the first (intro) would make the visual balance slightly better as well.

Used the TempoChanges plugin to apply the ritenuto at the end. Used a system text line for the visual effect.

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334740-Anthem GTR Chart.mscz 35.34 KB

In reply to by Mixology

So most of the roadmap remains the same, and it is the 2nd jump that needs changing (CAD → CBD).
This means we need to make sure we have:
* Something at the start of B to jump towards (a segno)
* Something at the end of B to "continue at" from D onwards (a To Coda)

A segno was added to the start of B and set to invisible. Since we now have two segno's in the score (one at the start of A and one at the start of B) MuseScore needs a way to differentiate them. This is done via the Inspector (F8) where we can change the "label" property of that specific segno.
Similarly the label for the "To Coda" marking at the end of B was changed as well. I've also edited it's text again (double click it) to clarify the roadmap and updated the text from the one at the end of A as well.

With all those references in place, all that is now left is to update the Jump instruction in the very short measure itself with references to those labels.

This time I've not turned off the View > Show Invisible/Unprintable from the score for easier inspection on your end.

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334740-Anthem Trio Chart.mscz 22.8 KB

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