Multi Measure Rests

• Aug 30, 2022 - 18:22

I want to have auto multi measure rests off because its annoying getting a one measure rest in the middle, but I want to be able to select a measure range and create just that measure range of a multi-measure rest. In a single part part.


You can set the minimum number of empty measures to include in a multimeasure rest in Format>Style>Score. See

Note, that is a score-wide setting. However you can always exclude selected measures from multimeasure rests from the measure properties dialogue, also covered in that handbook article.

[Edit] looking again at that, I should have said the minimum number of measures to include is a "part-wide" setting. Individual parts can have their own score style settings. The point I was trying, but failing to make, is that you can't set the value measure by measure. It applies to all measures in a part.

Hmm, it's not clear to me what you mean here. First. multimeasure rests are always off by default for new scores they only get turned on if you explicitly enabled them - either by pressing "M" or by generating parts from a full score. Second, I don't know what you mean about getting a one measure rest in the middle. Third, you don't need to select anything at all to make the multimeasure rests everywhere that there are two or more empty measures - just press "M". No need to laboriously select each range. Wait until you're done entering notes, of course.

If you continue to have trouble, please attach your score and describe what you are trying to do in more detail.

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