MS4 Styles Header Footer

• Aug 31, 2022 - 19:29

Since I do not have a GitHub account, I'll add my observation here:
Musescore4 Nightly Build 08/31/2022 for Windows:

-Metatag $m shows the date. After closing score and reloading the time is shown.
-Double clicking the date in the footer does not open the Styles ->Header/footer dialog like in MS3.

Attachment Size
2022-08-31_StyleDialog.png 35.81 KB
2022-08-31_Footer.png 5.28 KB


...but double clicking the text does not open the style dialog directly. Only Format->Styles opens the dialog and it takes approx.. 10-15 seconds to open.

What does the function "Show on first page" on Styles->Header/Footer have? If I had $tag to the even box, and check "Show on first page", is does not show up on the first page. Or am I misunderstanding this function?

Attachment Size
2022-09-02 09FooterEven.png 10.44 KB

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