Score Statistics for non-note elements

• Sep 6, 2022 - 17:42

Would it be possible to develop a feature that counts the number of occurrences of non-note elements within a score, such as phrasing, expression, dynamic, or articulation marks? The "Score Statistics" plugin seems to do a good job in counting the occurrences and duration of notes in a score; for the type of analysis that I need to do, I would require a similar tool that is based on an "Articulation List" instead of a "Note List" (i.e. counting based on types of articulation marks, their duration over a number of notes, occurrences in measures, etc.).

This feature would be very useful in comparing the interpretation of the same score by different performers, especially when it comes to details such as legato, staccato, etc. Maybe such a tool exists already, but I have not come across it yet. Please advise. Thank you.


Launch the attached plugin (and resize the height so you can see the contents).

It'll auto-update for all types of manual selections; but if you use "select all similar", then you need to manually press the "Refresh" button as MuseScore doesn't notify the plugin of that change.

Attachment Size
selectioncounter.qml 1.32 KB

In reply to by jeetee

Hello jeetee, thank you for this suggestion, I appreciate you getting back to me on this issue. However, I do not have any application that can open this plugin and, after trying to "search app store", an automatic message indicates there is no available app in my country or region to open this file.

Could you perhaps suggest an existing and/or vetted MuseScore plugin that could perform a similar task?

In reply to by Lazarov

Next step is instead of Command+clicking every element (time consuming!); Ctrl+click (or right mouse button if you have one of those) the element and use the "Select > More..." options to for example only select all elements of a given subtype (naturals for example) within a staff/voice/system/score.
This makes selecting those elements immensely faster.

But as mentioned, you then need to manually press the "Refresh" button in the plugin for it to pick up on that selection change.

In reply to by jeetee

Hi Jeetee, thank you so much, the tool you developed is exactly what I had been looking for! I completed my analysis today and noticed that, in instances where I was looking for text (i.e. "rubato", "cresc.", "dim.", etc.), Marc Sabatella's trick proved useful. The best method consists in using both the SelectionCounter you developed as well as the code search function through an mscx. text file suggested by Marc. In specific instances, one qualifies the other and allows for a more precise data collection altogether.

Thank you again so much for your help, it really has made a difference!

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