This is the most impressive software ever (MuseScore 3) -- I downloaded it yesterday and already have written 2 full piano songs

• Sep 19, 2022 - 13:46

First version:

Edit -- I deleted the first version since it was rambling and didn't serve a purpose. I just want to thank this community for existing and I promise to eventually learn as much as I can about this amazing software (MuseScore 3) and start answering questions once I'm competent enough to know how to answer beginner's questions.


You wrote:
...start answering questions once I'm competent enough to know how to answer beginner's questions.

For a quick start, if you read and understand this page today:
By tomorrow, you will be competent enough to respond to one of the most frequent issues encountered by beginners: How and when to use 'Voices'.

Then, as you gain knowledge and confidence, feel free to answer the questions that you find "easy".
Even the mere act of occasionally browsing through the forums without replying to any post will likely add to your working knowledge of MuseScore. You will absorb a lot of the terminology used in the handbook, thereby making it easier to find "stuff" (insert technical term for "stuff") within it. :-)

Welcome aboard!

EDIT: ...oops... too late.
Check this out:
and look at the timeline... LOL!

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