i can't figure out how to make percussion parts play anything other than claves

• Sep 19, 2022 - 22:12

i'm experimenting with percussion for the first time when making sheet music. i've been using musescore for a few years now and i've mostly just made piano stuff -- in that category, i'm really good with the software. my problem is that when i add a percussion part, the only 'note' that i'm able to add makes a clave sound, regardless of what part the note is being put on. i've tried looking in the 'edit drumset' window but it's extremely confusing and i can't figure out what any of it is supposed to mean. i made a new note using it but it doesn't make any pitch.

(if it turns out i just have no idea how musescore percussion works in general, perhaps suggest a youtube video i could watch to learn more. thank you)

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We can't say much from just a picture - attaching your actual score is usually much more helpful. But here I can say, the General MIDI standard doesn't define a finger snap sound, so standard GM soundfonts like the one in MsueScore have to substitute something else. No doubt there are third party soundfonts that are not GM compatible that could be used to give this sound. See the Handbook section on soundfonts for more on how to use them.

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