Pallete problem

• Oct 8, 2022 - 08:34

I have recently found that my palletes are no longer shown on the opening page when I open MuseScore and I am unable to re attach them to the opening page from the view menu.
Is there a problem with the pallette feature and how can it be fixed?


I'm not sure if I fully understand, but if you mean your palettes are now in a floating dialog window instead of docked into the main window;
Double click on the floating window title bar and the palettes will redock.

In reply to by jeetee

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

The palletes had disappeared from the normal left hand side of the main window where they would normally be for quick access and I could not get them to re dock there from view menu.

However after days of frustration and as a last resort after I posted my question this morning I discovered the ‘Revert to Factory Settings’ option in the help menu and after applying this it has corrected the problem.

No further action required.
Sorry for the waste of your time, and mine.

In reply to by lee13th

That shouldn't happen if you've store your style and template files in the correct place - your own styles and template folders, not the internal application folders. But, you will lose shortcut, and workspace (e.g., palette) customizations. You can save these before reverting by finding the internal folder where they are stored (details depend on your OS) and copying the file somewhere safe first.

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