Edit Bend

• Oct 16, 2022 - 23:03


In reply to by Jerry Emery De…

I would, but you asked a regular question, so I couldn't fuck it before Steve answered it :'(

As for the politeness, it could/should go both ways. And while I agree that the handbook was only a click away (well, two clicks) and should be the natural first spot for people to look for information; I also agree that asking a question (obvious though it may seem to regulars) should not be considered bothersome.
It's not like OP has a history of asking this type of questions all the time without bothering to read answers or pointers (such as one to the handbook).

In summary: let's write up the lack of politeness to a perhaps tired responder and internet's lack of intonation. Your question has been answered so perhaps we can give this thread a rest?

Unless of course OP has followed the link and has a follow up question concerning it. In which case OP is more than welcome to follow-up on it here.

Do you still have an unanswered question? Please log in first to post your question.