Someone hacked my Google Account

• Oct 18, 2022 - 21:46

Some guy hacked my Google Email account.
I just set up a new account using the Microsoft browser. I don't want to delete my Google account, because I don't want to lose my Facebook page and my friends and things there. I haven't used MuseScore for a while. Do I have to pay to download music?
I really like the program, because I can play the scores using my high resolution soundfonts.
I want to make some backup tracks, so I can play German music during Oktoberfest.
Any suggestions or advice?
I don't think that my Microsoft browser has been compromised.
Will my installed program still work with a different username online?


Sorry to hear you are having trouble!

Sounds like you are asking a question about the commercial score-sharing website Best to ask questions about that over there on that other website; there is little any of us can tell you about that. But I do know, that site does allow you to download non-copyrighted scores using a free account. Copyrighted scores require a paid one. This doesn't have anything to do with Google, though.

MuseScore itself - the music notation software you install on your computer - is always 1200% completely free, no way to pay for even if you wanted to. Using the proforma doesn't depend in any way whatsoever whether or not you've created an account on any more than it cares if you have an account on Netflix. Totally separate thing.

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