Improvements to chord symbols

• Oct 19, 2022 - 00:31


First I have to say: I've been testing out the alpha on musescore 4 and I've never been more excited for a piece of software. It's amazing and I can't wait for the beta and eventual full release! You guys do absolutely amazing work!

That said, as a musician working in Jazz-derived genres, engraving in jazz handwritten style has really fallen behind, and I would love to see improvements. The big area for me is chord symbols. A full graphical chord symbol editor would be the absolute dream, but in the meantime, here's a couple of weird behaviors in the current system of chord symbols and some suggestions on how I think they could be improved. Below are example images of the settings I use which gets as close as I can to the look I want, and examples of chord symbols with those settings.

  1. No horizontal offset for extensions. When adjusting extension scaling to smaller sizes, it sometimes gets uncomfortably close to the note name, especially here on the C7 and Bb13 symbols. To me they look a bit cramped, and on gigs where you're reading from an ipad screen that's uncomfortably far away, it becomes kind of a problem. This is not however a problem on the Fm11, so the best case scenario would be to be able to customize every chord symbol separately.

  2. The triangle. On major chords (Abt7), it's too big and you can't edit it. I would prefer it to be superscripted, but to my knowledge that's not possible. Minor major 7 chords (Dbmt7) have it superscripted alongside which does look pretty good. To my understanding in this case the triangle and the 7 become modifiers, which is a weird inconsistency because now the 7 is too small. In my mind it would be better if the triangle was always treated as a modifier, and the 7 always as an extension. That way their sizes would be consistent with the other chord symbols

  3. No vertically stacking extensions. chord symbols with 2 or more altered notes (C7#5#9) become long and ugly, even when you scale modifiers down. Stacking the extensions would be the best way to make them neater, and native support for it would be lovely because frankly, I could not figure out how to do it (if it is even possible).

  4. No Native polychord support. You can get something close with writing 2 chord symbols and a separator line, but it's slow, hacky and the playback doesn't really work because it plays bass notes for both chords, and is generally unaware of the interaction of more than 1 chord.

  5. Only musejazz. Musejazz is fine, but it kind of sucks not having other options for handwritten style chord symbols. It's also weird that the properties panel lets you choose a font for chord symbol text even though it does nothing.

The engraving with Leland and the new changes alongside everything else in Musescore 4 is coming together very nicely, leaving engraving of lead sheets a little neglected. I'm sure you're all very busy with the upcoming release of 4, but after all of that is finished I think chord symbols are long due for some love!

Attachment Size
Chord Symbol examples.png 37.26 KB
Chord symbol settings.png 210.1 KB


Thanks for the comments! More chord symbol customizations are definitely on the radar for future release. meanwhile, though, pretty much everything you ask about is possible if you customize the chord description XML file, See Format / Style / Chord Symbols for the actual controls, and so a search of this forum for more info on how you can go about it. It's not officially supported bu definitely works and there si a decent amount of info on how to do it here.

BTW, it's only the Jazz style that locks you into MuseJazz, because everything about how that style works depends on the special characteristics of this font. But if you switch to Standard or Custom, you can use whatever font you like,

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