Muse Sounds built-in Reverb? Dry signals?

• Oct 27, 2022 - 00:49

Hi everyone,

I wanted to discuss about the built-in reverb Muse Sounds. Muse Sounds is about the best recorded sampled library by the Muse Team for MuseScore right now to use. And I would like to discuss if it is possible to regulate how much built-in reverb from the studio these sounds were recorded. I know it is natural to keep the way it is. But we would like to add external reverbs to control how much amount of reverb I would like.

Sometimes it doesn't make sense to add Muse FX reverb right now because all instruments have already some reverb into them.

In MU3 in the synthesizer, the reverb had a knob that could be used to go from very dry to very wet signal, but to keep in mind this was the HQ library or the new MS Basic on MU4.

What is your take about this?


As discussed in Discord, as far as I know the reverb is "baked in" to the sample, and probably there would be no way to remove it without re-recording the samples, which is probably not happening any time soon. But, I'd love to find out I'm wrong and that it's actually being added in software and that it could potentially be dialed back by the developers. Right now, though, there are no user controls for this.

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