Unneeded Rests

• Oct 28, 2022 - 23:02

Dear Sir,
I am writing simple harp music, and don't know how to make the unneeded rests disappear in the score.
I signed up and paid for the Musescore help classes, but can't find help there for this problem. Can you help me?
Thank you!


The way to deal with rests depends entirely on the reason they are there in the first place. Sometimes they are musically necessary to show the full number of beats, other times they are present only because you accidentally entered notes into the wrong voice, other times it's because a PDF-to-music conversion program didn't understand the music correctly and added beats to the measure, other times they are truly optional because a voice enters or leaves mid-measure in a manner that the rules of music notation allows for (or similar for cross-staff notation). If you attach an example, we can understand and assist better - and I can point you to the specific lessons in my course for more info on that specific topic :-)

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