Huge file dimension form MS3 to MS4

• Oct 31, 2022 - 21:06

Hello. I wanted to submit a problem that happened to me
1) I open a file created with MS3 in MS4 and assign the new sounds (Muse Sounds). It is an orchestral score with 13 instruments (file size about 199Kb)
2) when I save it in MS4 the file has huge dimensions compared to the original (about 13Mega)...

Is this normal?

Thank for your attention


I see a slight increase on some files, but nothing like that. I don't know what's to be expected, but please report this or any other problem you run into on GitHub as requested in the announcement, and be sure to attach the score (the MuseScore 3 version) and precise steps to reproduce the problem.

I have no experience with MS4.
But also in MS3 this difference is typical if you save a file as *.mscx instead of *.mscz.
Please check if that has happened.
Actually I have one mscz with 530kB while the included mscx has about 23.6 MB.
The mscz file is a zipped mscx file.

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