How is the "Jazz" voicing option supposed to work/be used - is it meant to only add ninths?

• Nov 2, 2022 - 20:07


I really like the idea of the Jazz voicings feature, but in practice it always seems to just add a ninth/second to the chord (i.e. C becomes Cadd9, Cm to Cmadd9, C7 to C9, etc.) regardless of the chord or context. It even does this with sus2 chords, adding an extra second and resulting in a chord with two notes in unison, which seems especially odd.

Is this the intended behaviour? I don't know enough about how chords are interpreted in jazz to know if this makes sense or not. Should it not also add 7ths, 11ths, 13ths etc. in some cases?




I don't think It will add a seventh as it is assumed in jazz all chords would already be notated with those. The ninth that gets added will either be unaltered or flatted according to context - basically, when resolving down a perfect fifth (like G7-Cma7), it will get the b9.

11ths would not be added in jazz except for minor chords. 13ths would, but I think you are right that this doesn't currently happen. I recall there were plans to maybe do that but it ended up just being about the ninth. I helped design the feature but it was a while ago and my memory is fuzzy.

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