Muse Hub installer gives error

• Nov 6, 2022 - 09:26

I encountered this bad problem with the Muse Hub installer.

I downloaded the installer from I use Windows 10 so I clicked the Windows download button. After the installer had downloaded, I opened it up and waited until the installer downloads the files. After waiting for the installer to finish, I got an error message saying "Windows App SDK Runtime Install Failed", and the description said "Unable to install the Windows App SDK Runtime which is required for Muse Hub, please try again. Check the logs for more information.". What do I do to solve this problem?

Attachment Size
muse hub error.png 6.72 KB


I' am pretty sure this has already been reported, along with workarounds, so I recommend going to GitHub (the place where Mu4 issues are posted - see the beta announcement for details) to search for previous reports and I think you will also find suggestions for workarounds. Then if you continue to have problems, be sure to followup there.

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