reed scores with screenreader for blynd

• Nov 10, 2022 - 15:52

I'm blynd, my name's raul, I'm italian. I like to can reed scores by my "Jaws" screen reader". Particularelly I'm interested in scores for choir. I tried to open some score with muse" and i can hear by the voice of screenreader the notes for each "battuta". Pressing alt +


Hello! I'm not sure if you are saying you are having trouble or if you have a specific question, but MuseScore does indeed support JAWS and other screen readers. For the current version - 3.6.2 - you will need to install a script to work with JAWS; see for more information. In the next major version - MuseScore 4 - you won't need a script anymore. MsueScore 4 is currently in beta testing and should be released sometime within the next few weeks.

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