Can't find 'Playback setup' option...

• Nov 12, 2022 - 07:41

I have downloaded all Muse Sound in Muse Hub, and I find all Muse Sound in my download address, but I can't find them in MuseScore 4. I don't see 'Playback setup' in View, and more, I can't find Muse Sound in Mixer. Where are they cry ...
↓ This is what I have in View, Playback Setup should have been at fifth from the bottom, under Piano Keyboard option, sad.
Before downloading, I change the download address from disk C to disk D. Does it have anything to do with it ?
Thank you friends...

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I have read that current MS4 builds can only detect MuseSounds in the default location, so that indeed might be your issue.

If you're not even seeing "Playback setup" in the menu, this suggest to me you are using too old of a build. Has to be the beta (the real, beta, not the ancient fake on from the development builds page), or better yet, a nightly build.

And then also, you need to have your sounds in the correct place in order to actually be able use them. But the menu not appearing at all tells me your build is too old.

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