Fee charged

• Nov 12, 2022 - 14:23

On 05 11 2022 my credit card was debited with an amount of $65.28(AUS).
Please explain, as I did not authorise this transaction.
Here is a copy of my bank statement;
5 Nov 2022 MUSESCORE PRO PLUS GENT BEL FRGN AMT: 39.99 U. S. DOLLARClick for details -$65.28

Hendrina Mulder


Sounds like you have a question about the commercial score-sharing website musescore.com. You'd have to go over there to that other website and contact their support team for help - there's nothing any of us on this site can do about that other one.

But, I can also assure you, neither the folks nor musescore.com nor anyone else can magically learn your credit card number. Clearly, you gave it to them, so denying that won't be a good strategy. Sounds like you might not have read what you were signing up for. That will be something to discuss with the support team of that site, though.

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