Switching audio device causes playback problems

• Nov 20, 2022 - 12:45

It appears a consistent behavior that one of three situations occur, if I switch between using my Bluetooth headphones and my laptop speaker while having musescore open. Either I won't be able to play any open sheets back until I've reopened them or I won't be able to play any sheets, even if I'm opening them for the first time of the session, or the audio simply won't switch devices.

The constant here seems to be that the audio refuses to switch between audio outputs, whatever else might happen in particular, or at least that no sound will come through the device I attempted to switched to. I always have to close and restart musescore, and I've had at least one crash happen while experiencing this problem.

This has been happening over the course of a few months of use. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if it's to do with Windows 10 + Bluetooth, but beyond that I'm at a loss.


It has to do with the underlying audio libraries on Windows not notifying MuseScore of the device change, so it keeps sending its audio to the wrong (or non-existing) device. This indeed then in windows can lead to lock-ups or the occasional crash of the audio subsystem.

Next time try double clicking the MIDI input toolbar icon when switching audio devices. Doing so will force MuseScore to explicitly refresh the audio device information it has (as does pressing the "reset audio devices" button in Edit > Preferences > I/O).

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