Giant gap between lines

• Dec 13, 2022 - 02:50

I did something by accident and now there is this giant gap between the 2 clefs, how do I close it?

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Screenshot 2022-12-13 105031.jpg 45.42 KB


If you go to the inspector, there should be a setting where you can change the distance of the staff, I'm not sure what it's called though.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

A likely "accident" might be dragging something like a dynamic marking way out of position. You can either go and look for it and when found select it and use CTRL+R to put it back to its default position. Or to save looking, try CTRL+A to select everything and then CTRL+R to replace everything in its default position. You would of course lose any tweaks you had made to other elements' position if you use the latter method.

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