Minor bugs in MuseScore 4 playback, presumably easy fix in next update.

• Dec 15, 2022 - 06:13

Hi Musescorers! There's two minor bugs in playback that I think would be a very easy fix in the next update. They're not dealbreakers but they are slightly inconvenient, and I thought I would bring them to the team's attention as no-one else has yet to report these.
Before I get into the two bugs, I would just like to thank the MuseScore team for this incredible update. I nearly cried because of how good it was (my mental stability is up for debate) and genuinely was overjoyed with the effects on orchestral scores. Solo piano might need a bit of revamping, but I think that's probably something already planned.

The first bug is that Musescore 4 now seems to struggle to play quick changes in dynamics, for example if there was a minim played at forte on a woodwind/brass/string instrument that directly led into a minim played at piano (a subito effect) it seems to struggle with this, creating a sudden, jerky sound. Not awful, but it's noticeable and doesn't seem to be fixed when exporting to MP3. I've only tried with two pieces, so someone might want to fact check this.

The second bug involves piano (possibly other instruments; I haven't tested them), when two voices play the same note at different times. It's hard to explain in one sentence, so I'll explain step by step.
1. A note is played in one voice, for example, a semibreve.
2. A note is written to play in a second voice, but when the playback cursor hits the note, it doesn't play it, because the first note isn't over yet.
3. When the first note's duration is over, MuseScore 4 realises that the other note should have been played, and then immediately plays the second note, but then realises that the second note's duration is over and immediately stops playing the note. It kind of creates a grace note sound.
I know this isn't the best explanation, but I've attached an image that may help with the understanding of the problem, with red arrows pointing to the examples. I haven't tried exporting to see if the issue is still present in MP3 files, so someone may want to check this, too.

Besides these two bugs I've encountered, I've been (positively) overwhelmed by the new implementations of this update. I cannot stress enough how much the sound quality has improved with the new Muse Sounds. Thank you!!

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musescoreissue.png 56.73 KB


Can say that I have had the same problem. The temporary solution for me has been to switch one of the lines to voice 2, but obviously, this is just a temporary crutch. Hope they fix it soon.

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