Moving to Musescore 4

• Dec 15, 2022 - 23:47

Is there any way that I would be able to import my preferences, shortcuts, workspaces, etc into MS 4? I'm wondering if there's some set of files I can copy over so I won't have to spend time recreating everything by hand.

Additionally, I have noticed that there is no way to edit dynamics and hairpin playback like there was in MS 3. Is this a bug, or simply not something that will be added? Images of the properties/inspector tab for the current version and MS 3 are provided.


It's not really feasible - too much has changed, and very possible your custom shortcuts would conflict with ones in MuseScore 4, etc.

Dynamics indeed no longer have their own velocity properties - it's all being moved to the notes for now, and eventually there will be a separate new "volume lane".

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