slur offsets saved erratically

• Sep 20, 2014 - 09:17

This is the desired appearance:

slur test.jpg

That's from a .pdf file I created using MuseScore 1.3.

In Beta 1 and subsequent Nightlies, the slurs don't stay anchored to their non-default positions. Open the attached .mscz file; adjust the slur positions; save; re-open. Results are unpredictable, but generally the repositioning is lost or mangled. Sometimes a small negative horizontal offset appears even though the slurs were only repositioned vertically.

Question: should it matter whether slurs are adjusted using (1) only their end points, or (2) end points in conjunction with the center handle on the straight line between the end points? My results vary depending on which approach I take, and I noticed that 'Vertical offset' appears in Inspector only if the center handle is employed.

Windows 8.1 u1

Attachment Size
slur test.mscz 1.98 KB
slur test.jpg 67.47 KB


I'm surprised that there's been no response after 12 hours! I thought this was fairly serious, but there's no accounting for priorities. Could someone at least (1) tell me whether this is a known issue or whether to file it in the Issue Tracker, and (2) answer my question about end handles versus center handle?

In reply to by [DELETED] 448831

The last 12 hours were mostly sleeping for me :-). And weekend for everyone else. Realistically, bug reports get logged and dealt with as we can, but I count over 100 outstanding "serious" bugs right now with 2.0, so all in good time.

It seems to be be the case that indeed, certain types of edits to just the start control point don't survive save / reload. Took me a while to reproduce the problem, though. It seems that any change to the endpoints that actually changes the point of attachment as well as the from that point of attachment does not survive. The offset does, but the change in attachment does not. You apparently were making an edit that changed the start attachment point from the note in voice 2 to the the note in vocie 1. Had you left the attachment in voice 1 but only adjusted the offset, it works.

BTW, you can enter a cross-voice slur directly: ctrl-click the start & and notes (which are in different voices), press "S". Still, it *should* work to do it after the fact it in the way you are. Feel free to file this as an actual issue.

I *can* tell you that indeed, Vertical offset specifically means the center handle. That's the only handle that affects the entire slur. The others are individual "control points" for the shape of the slur, not the overall position. But dragging the end points is special in that *potentially* it changes the point of attachment as well as the offset from that attachment.

In reply to by [DELETED] 448831

BTW, you should file the original problem as an issue, with the score and precise steps to reproduce (ie, making it clear you are dragging the left endpoint only and releasing after the attachment point has changed). It's really easy to lose track of problem reports if they only appear in the forum. Once they are confirmed to be actual bugs, they should be filed in the Issue Tracker.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The only way I can reproduce the problem with 6006fb6ea6 is by entering notes in both voices. Then add a slur in voice 2 and change the first slur point to voice 1. If a slur is modified without changing voice assignment the offsets are saved and restored correctly. if the slur is entered by clicking a note in the first voice and a voice in the second voice, it also works.

I filed a proper bug report #34921: Slur across voices are not restored correctly on file read

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