Musescore 4 transport panel

• Dec 16, 2022 - 21:08

Hi, I'm trying to change playing tempo clicking on the tempo indication in the transport panel but nothing happens, the tempo is stuck at 120 bpm. The workaround is adding tempo indication in the score. Any hint?


If you're used to the Play panel in MuseScore3 or below, I can see why you might be expecting that to work. MuseScore 4 apparently just doesn't have the ability do change tempo in the way that the Play panel let you do it. EDIT: Yes it does, RobFog's answer is correct.

Is there a reason not to have a tempo indication? If you don't want to see it, you can make it invisible by selecting it and pressing v. It will now be invisible in printed or published versions. If you REALLY don't want to see it at all for some reason, you can uncheck "show invisible" in the View options.

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