More professionnal looking jazz templates

• Dec 16, 2022 - 21:54


It is only a suggestion, but seeing how big the jazz/pop user base is, I was wondering if it would be possible to have nicer/more professional looking big band and jazz ensemble templates. For the classical part, the musescore team seemed to have done wonders, but the jazz templates always take a lot of work and didn't really change in years.

In the past, I've done my own templates and I generally wouldn't use the ones provided, but for new users, this might be a bit of a turn off.

Here's a great website that I've use to create my templates.…

Keep up the good work, everybody on here is a blessing for the music community around the world!

Sorry if there's errors btw, english is not my first language.


Your image does look nice, but it seems to be highly stylized, not at all like the charts form the major jazz publishers. If it's mimicking the look of a particular publisher you respect, it could certainly be considered for addition to the list as an alternative to the standard ones. Which could indeed stand to be improved - but I think they should adhere to the more common appearance of the major publishers.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you very much for the input and I'm sorry, I badly expressed myself. I was mainly, and it might sound a bit stupid, referring about putting the template in landscape and adjusting the margins.

Those two other examples are from different publishers, but still look quite different from the «out of the box» musescore template. :)

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image-asset.png 312.54 KB
5.2+-+Thad+Jones+Score+Layout.PNG 299.85 KB

In reply to by Raph.jAzZ

Other than the landscape - which is very much a religious issue but where I do happen to agree landscape makes sense - can you explain more about what difference you perceive? I mean, everyone has slightly different fonts etc, but I don't see major differences between the Musecore template and the other examples in terms of things that actually relate to the template itself.

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