Pages with one or two measures

• Dec 16, 2022 - 22:40

I'm new to MuseScore. The new orchestral sounds have called me. They are VERY good. However, my first project imported from Sibelius via MXML insists on putting only one measure on some pages (sometimes two). The measures don't have any more notes per measure when this happens. I've tried using the Stretch option, it doesn't do anything. I've removed all system breaks (although I doubt there ever were any). I don't want to change the spacing options as most of the pages look fine. I know this question has been asked before, but after perusing the answers I'm not getting it fixed.


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Hard to tell from just a picture - attaching the actual score allows us to understand and assist better. But it appears the MusicXMl file must have contained a text block after this measure I see a "3" in a frame at the bottom. Perhaps that was meant to have been a page number? Anyhow, remove those frames and then things should be better in that respect. And if you have further problems, just attach the score.

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