How to group multi-measure rests together despite different time signatures?

• Dec 18, 2022 - 02:17

Hi, I'm trying to figure out the most graceful way to show a cadenza for a violin concerto, but as it is reflected in the orchestral parts. The cadenza is full of mixed meters, etc, but when the player looks at their part, I'd rather it be condensed to one measure with a fermata on top that just says "Cadenza" underneath, or something to that effect. Is there a way to group multi-measures together despite meter changes? I can't just delete the measures or delete the different time signatures because it'll be reflected in the score, and it'll throw the bar numbering off. Advice appreciated!


You'll have to delete the different time signatures if you want to consolidate those measures into a multi-measure rest.
For a cadenza, one best resorts to either a custom tuplet or measures with a different actual duration (via measure properties).

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