Couple of small tweaks

• Dec 18, 2022 - 15:50

I've just started using Musescore for the first time after being impressed by what I've heard about 4.0. I have two small suggestions for improvement

Firstly, the I/O (which I assume means input/output) stumped me at first. I think most software calls this page Audio Device. If not, why not just title is Input/Output? Seems an unnecessary stumbling point.

Secondly, the contrast on played black notes vs unplayed black notes made me look twice. I know there's a higher contrast mode available, but I'm not visually impaired at all and this still tripped me up. I've attached an image.

Looking forward to continuing to learn this program! I'm very impressed with it so far.

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2022-12-18 at 3.42.50 pm.png 10.07 KB


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