Adding 16th and 17th c Clefs

• Dec 18, 2022 - 22:39

Is there a way to have 16th/17th c clefs in Musescore? I've uploaded some images of them below. I appreciate all of Musescore's early music features, but the lack of these clefs has lead me to a couple failed attempts at learning Lilypond in order to have them.

I don't know anything about coding, but I don't think they should be too difficult to implement, they're just a different appearance for the existing basic clefs. Is this possible? If not does someone know a good workaround?

Attachment Size
early c flef.png 12.03 KB
early f clef.png 11.51 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

There are some early clefs in the program currently, but not the one's I'm looking for. The one's titled "French, 20th Century" and "H Shape (19th century)" look kind of close, but they're not really the same, and they're only C clefs.

The clefs I'm referring to are an earlier style. I'll attach an image of the set from Lilypond for more clarification.

Attachment Size
lilypond clefs.png 10.42 KB

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