Musescore 4.0 Lyric Spacing

• Dec 19, 2022 - 06:49
  1. I find the lyric spacing in Musescore 4.0 greatly improved. I'm going back through my old scores and updating them to Musescore 4.0 because I am able to remove most or all of the custom lyric placements I had to add in Musescore 3. Well done!

  2. The improved note spacing algorithm is very lovely, and accounts for the bulk of the custom lyric placements I can now remove. However, some algorithm has now created an issue with lyrics where a syllable in one verse is now not allowed to overlap or "tuck under" syllables in other verses. They appear to be constrained by the Lyric Text Minimum Distance setting even when there would be no collision between syllables on the same verse/line.

For example, in the attached score (The Twelve Days of Christmas), the "-enth" syllables in measure 33 and the "-en" syllables in measure 34 are not allowed to be moved closer to their respective preceding syllables because Musescore 4.0 is apparently is deciding they would violate the minimum lyric distance between them and the words/lyrics "twelfth" and "twelve" respectively even though those lyrics are in a different verse.

Update: I was able to get the lyrics in measure 33 to "tuck under" by unchecking "Auto-place" for that note, but it also then messed up the vertical alignment slightly for those syllables. The same hack didn't really work for measure 34.

  1. Similarly, it would be nice to have the option to let longer syllables that are at the beginning of a measure and that are center- or right-justified/aligned intrude into the previous measure's space so long as (1) it is not the first measure in a system, (2) bar lines are not set to span to the next staff, and (3) there is no collision with preceding syllables in previous measure in the same verse/line (that is, the Lyric Text Minimum Distance setting is observed as if there were no bar line).

More specifically, the note (and any accompanying accidentals, etc.) should be spaced from the left edge of the bar line as if there were no lyrics present. If there are lyrics whose length would collide with where the bar line would be, they would be allowed to intrude into the previous measure as stipulated above. If the lyric(s) also would collide with the lyric on the same verse/line in the previous measure, the width of the previous measure would get lengthened until the Lyric Text Minimum Distance setting is achieved. This generally appears to be what is happening in most hymnbooks that I've seen that have given the issue some attention.

While this can still be worked around by manually adjusting the Leading space for the note and other settings, it would be nice and less tedious to have this done automatically.

For example, in the attached score (With Wondering Awe), it would be nice if the syllable stack that contains "Strang-" in verse 2 of measure 9 could intrude into the previous measure automatically so that no manual adjustments needed to be made. (Measures 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8 also could benefit from this, but they are less egregious examples.)


When you brought up a song with lyrics entered in Musescore 3, we're your lyrics strung together with no spacing. Mine was. Then I tried to insert spaces and it wouldn't let me. Please advise.

In reply to by Narda1

So far I have only run into that issue in places/notes that I had manually reduced the segment/leading space for. When I reset that in Musescore 4.0 on the affected notes, it fixed most of the lyric spacing problems.

However, I have always found the default minimum lyric distance space of 0.25sp too little. In Musescore 3.6.2, I regularly increased it to 0.50sp or more. In Musescore 4.0, I start out by setting it to 0.75sp and then adjust from there as needed.

To clarify, navigate to Format > Style > Lyrics, and then set Min.Distance to 0.75sp.

Dear MuseScore development team,

I'm a long time MuseScore user having more than thousand hand-tuned scores with lyrics and I second the wish to have lyrics not restricted to the bar they are in or to a global rectangle over the syllables in all verses.

I often create my vocal sheets with a much larger text font (so I can read them without glasses in case I forgot them). And to get a good looking score with nearly equal spacing for same length notes I have to play much with negative left space to notes or bar lines and horizontal displacements of lyrics in MS3.

A very extremely constructed (and admittedly ugly) example is attached.The first 4 lines fit in the 2 lines below by many manual adjustments.

It would really help a lot for me (and probably many visually impaired people too), if MuseScore could at least be configured (so that people considering measure overlapping text undesirable can switch the feature of) to use free space for lyrics automatically (verse by verse). I was hoping that MS4 would do that, but had to find out that it even got worse because in fact I can't do that by hand anymore.

The lack of the possibility to undercut text beneath measure bars (with negative left spacing) together with the not working numpad is an absolute showstopper for me to use the otherwise really great version 4...



PS.: By the way: changing the spatium on scores with many manual adjustments to the lyrics positioning is still doing weird things to the horizontal positioning of the lyrics. And then manually resetting just the Y position on all lyrics (marking all lyrics and entering e.g. 3 as vertical offset) still resets all horizontal tuning (X offset) too. This is leads to a really time consuming repositioning of every syllable in case of need for some extra space for an intro or the like...

In reply to by musescoremike

In Musescore 4.0, I went through and reset a bunch of measure style defaults, removed all of the custom spacing (I think), and then toggled the Auto-place option on a few notes and/or lyrics to try and get better visual results.

As a personal preference, I generally don't like the way Musescore left justifies lyrics, so I will usually add a horizontal offset of -0.5sp or -1.0sp (or more) to lyrics that I set to left justify. I did this in a few spots as well.

My preference is that when a lyric stack is left justified, I usually still want the longest syllable to be horizontally centered on the note, with the rest of the syllables in the stack left aligned to that longest syllable. But that is usually not too cumbersome to do manually.

I also set the minimum measure width to 3.00sp, but I don't know if that made any difference, it's just what I usually prefer to start with.

The results are attached for your review.

Attachment Size
Lyrics Spacing Test02.mscz 36.44 KB

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