Muse Sounds for MuseScore - Moving sounds to another drive

• Dec 19, 2022 - 17:38

I'm just wondering if there is a way to move the lovely and generous Muse Sounds for MuseScore packages to another drive on my PC? and then redirect the programme to locate them there?

I've just downloaded MuseScore 4. Help much appreciated as my Windows 10 'C' drive is almost full.

Best wishes Quentin


From what I gather it doesn't really work well to set an external path in MuseHub. But what does seem to work out quite well is to set up a symbolic link for them.

That way Muse Hub and MuseScore will think their files are on the local drive, while in reality that folder path is linked to an actual folder on your external drive. (Kind of like how a shortcut works).
See… for how to set up such a symbol link folder.

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