Problem creating parts from midifile in MuseScore 4.0

• Dec 19, 2022 - 22:43

I have several 4 part midi files and I am trying to create parts using the parts button. However this just creates parts containing rests and tempo changes but no notes.
I want to export them to individual uncompressed musicxml files.
As a work around I deleted all the instruments except one and exported that file and repeated for each instrument, using undo to restore the instruments after each export. Tedious but it worked.


Consider sharing an example of what you start from and how your MuseScore file is looking (attach the score itself here) so we can test out the same workflow and provide tailored advice.

In reply to by jeetee

Attached is one of the midi files I tired. Three images
1 the midi file loaded into musescore4
2 the parts button pressed (I would usually rename the parts p1///p4 but problem same if I don't)
3 openly the parts. Each just contains rests and tempo info. No notes.

I want to export individual uncompressed musicxml files for each part separately. No good if the parts contain just rests.
As a workaround I delete 3 parts in turn and exported the remaining one in the main file. Then undid deletions and repeated retaining a different part. Works, but tedious.

In reply to by rbnmuse

I can confirm this behavior (interestingly enough, playback does play the notes for the part).

The workaround that worked out for me is to Save and Close the score before attempting to open the Parts. If you then reopen the (now) mscz file and open the parts they'll be fine.
However if you've opened a part before that, it'll show this corruption.

Please report your bug in the issue tracker: either on Github (preferred) or the .org Issue Tracker.

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