Musescore 4 crashes after interacting with certain measures

• Dec 20, 2022 - 03:23

Whenever I interact with some of the measures at the end of my score they crash the program. This only applies to parts though, as the main score seems fine.

Attachment Size
Underdogs.mscz 70.06 KB


You wrote: the main score seems fine.

The score you attached appears to be the main score, which plays fine for me.
It's best to attach the pertinent score/parts and enumerate the exact steps required to cause the crash.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

I didn't know that the mscz didn't include the different parts. Can you tell me how to attach individual parts. All the parts besides the main are affected. They all have ~11 measures at the end that don't show up on the main score. Trying to delete these measures causes a crash.

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