Musical Live Performances

• Dec 20, 2022 - 10:33

MuseScore is definitely an interesting and great piece of software. I’m regularly using it with a private musical project.
For some years now, I‘m experimenting a lot with the performance and musical interpretation of piano works. Initially, I followed a graphical approach by drawing curves to control tempo, velocity, and articulation of musical pieces. Later, I focused on musical „live performances“ by using gamepads and mobile phones as input devices. To control the performance, I‘m sending a continuous stream of data containing information about tempo modifications, changes in velocities and articulations.
So far, I have created a working prototype application in Node.js with Verovio for musical score display and the ARIA player as a MIDI device. In my opinion, the results are quite promising.
Recently, I thought about having such a „live performance“ feature included directly in the MuseScore system.
The idea of this post is to find out whether there is a general interest in such a feature and whether the MuseScore platform is technically well suited for such an extension.
Any comments on the proposed idea are welcome.

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