• Dec 20, 2022 - 15:47

In today's world it too easy to take everything for granted. With each new innovation there will always be people that whose first reaction is to demand MORE from what they've been given and that's only natural. It's human nature and where the seeds of creativity are watered and sprouted. But since it's Christmas, let's all take a pause, reflect with awe and appreciation at the enormous effort that went into this release and deliver a standing ovation to all the people involved in giving us this magnificent gift.



Keep them coming. You're AWESOME!



I have been using Musescore V3 for about 4 years and have loved it from the beginning. The only thing I questioned about it was how its playback compared with the same piece being played by actual instruments. The newly released Version 4, to put it mildly, completely dispels any such thoughts. It is, quite simply, wonderful both in sound, and to use in composing.

So, I'd like to add my thanks for all the hard work, patience, and diligence y'all have put into the project.


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