Some hiccups with MS4

• Dec 21, 2022 - 06:11

I want to start by saying I am impressed with the appearance of MS4 scores. I down loaded MS4 and opened a score typeset with MS3.6 and it looks considerably improved with very little manual adjusting necessary. Congrats!

However I have two complaints:

  1. Page setting dialogue: I try to set the beginning page number to 2 to create the opportunity to add a title page. This change is not accepted by the software; I can put the desired number into the box but I can not make the software put it on the first page of the score. This procedure has worked perfectly from MS1.6 to MS3.6.

  2. Rehearsal marks: I don't like frames around them so I removed them and saved the score. When I looked at it again the frames were back on the pages. I did this three times before I gave up. You may think that this is a minor detail but all my scores so far have rehearsal marks with no frames; I think frames are uselessly adding stuff to already busy pages and anyway I don't remember ever playing from printed* music with framed rehearsal marks.

Any help? I am uploading a file in case there is a mistake in them that causes the problems.

  • I admit I remember rehearsal marks with circles around them in handwritten pages from the times when copyists used to write out parts by hand...



  1. The first page number is the number on your first page and your first page is your first page.
    To create a title page add a vertical frame before the first system,
    select it and hit CTR + return, then in the page settings set the "first page number" to 0
    so that the second page becomes page number 1.
  2. Looks like you haven't saved your frame setting as "default style" for that score.

In reply to by oMrSmith

  1. do you mean to extend the frame to create an extra page ahead of the score, then copy/paste the title page onto that page? That occurred to me but it is a bit of a clutch. Plus: Why offer the ability to define the first page number if it turns out you can't?
  2. I'll try, I didn't know there were individual defaults for each score.

Answer to 2:
You can give any frame to test marks (nothing, square and circle) either as default or individual settings. By saving the score and then opening it, the rehearsal marks keep their frames perfectly.
See attachments.

Attachment Size
1.png 50.63 KB
2.png 103.41 KB
Prova.mscz 16.88 KB

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