Musescore 4, toggling reverb?

• Dec 21, 2022 - 22:35

Greetings to all!
I am still discovering the features of Musescore 4 but I´m having "problems" with the playback while writing music.

Since I´m a wind player (oboist) and don´t play piano so well, I always find really useful the possibility to playback what I´m writing, especially in order to double check harmonies and scales when writing for more instruments at the same time.

That´s why I was really pumped about the new Muse Sounds. And they do sound gorgeous, but... the excessive reverb is killing me. I get it that the final product certainly sounds better with it, but since I write music to be performed live, it´s more of a burden to me, because it "muffles" the sound and makes it difficult to really hear what´s going on at a microscopical level. And since it seems to me that this reverb also applies to the "MS basic" soundfonts, I was wondering if there´s a way to toggle it, in order to really have the dry sound I need while composing. I didn´t find anything until now and with this reverb going on, I must say that for me, writing and checking by hearing it all again is waaay easier for my ears in the "old" Musescore 3.

Any help would be really appreciated! Thanks a lot!


Totally agree. Can't even tell if it's a bug or not with how much reverb there is. The piano is so wet I'm drowning listening to my scores. Don't even go near instruments with natural reverb like the celesta and marimba otherwise you will sink into the abyss. The VST's are great, but we totally need another panel to edit their parameters.

Please forgive me for just joining in. I have only tried MuseScore 4 once, and I seem to have the opposite problem. I want to add a bit more reverb to a song I'm working on, but have been unable to find a "Reverb" slider, knob or toggle as was in the Synthesizer menu in MuseScore 3. Does MuseScore4 NOT have a means to add or lower reverb in the playback of the song? ( I am using the VST3 feature in the Mixer to use a different grand piano soundfont). Thanks in advance.

In reply to by fsgregs

After writing for a few days, in my opinion the "standard" reverb I hear is something directly linked to how MS4 handles its muse sounds... I hear totally different sound qualities when the feedback is playing while I'm writing, compared to when I playback the entire thing. This has to do with the sound engine itself. I truly hope they will change this somehow... I had to revert to the MS basics soundfonts because when writing especially chamber music for winds, everything just sounds like if in a really long tunnel and I can't even hear the intervals I'm writing.
Even if they would add a reverb slider later on, what I really hope is that they change the way Muse Sounds works. For big orchestral sounds it gives a fairly good feeling, but that's it.

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