Inability to delete horizontal frames in scores created with MuseScore 3.x

• Dec 22, 2022 - 14:54

Opened a score I had made with MuseScore 3.x (I think) and had used a horizontal frame to make a first-system indent. Although the file appeared to convert to MS4 format, attempting to delete this horizontal frame so I could use the first system indent option under Format > Style... resulted in a core dump.

  • Minimum working example file attached.
  • Linux manjaro-ws 6.0.15-1-MANJARO #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed Dec 21 21:14:38 UTC 2022 x86_64 GNU/Linux
  • Manjaro Linux 22.0.0
  • MuseScore4 4.0.0, package musescore 4.0-2 from community Manjaro testing repo.

Pertinent debug output:

09:39:23.651 | DEBUG | 139848071509696 | Score      | tick2segment: no measure for tick -1
09:39:26.881 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister | updateEnabledAll: currentCtx: UiCtxNotationFocused
09:39:29.818 | DEBUG | main_thread | ShortcutsController | activate: Del
09:39:29.818 | INFO  | main_thread | ActionsDispatcher | dispatch: try call action: notation-delete
zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped)  mscore -d

UiActionsRegister line emitted when I clicked the horizontal frame; the rest emitted when I pressed the delete key. Seems to fail no matter whether clicking the frame or the handle on the frame, or whether the frame is before the first (pickup) measure or later on in the score.

Issue does not appear on scores created anew with MuseScore 4.

Attachment Size
mwe.mscz 44.52 KB


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