Musescore 4 crashes during a specific measure, can't publish score to website

• Dec 25, 2022 - 04:54

During playback, whenever it plays a certain beat at a measure, the whole score crashes, which is preventing me from publishing it. I tried getting rid of the mdl instruments to see if it was the problem, it was not. I also tried ust deleting the measures where the bug was and it crashed immediately. I worked on the score on musescore 3 and I'm now using musescore 4 for context.


Often, people here ask for a score to look at. You might consider posting the MS4 score with the problem here. They seem to have ways to look into scores that I for one haven't figured out.

Had same issue with score today. I selected a measure before the crash through 1 measure past the crash and deleted. It played back without crashing with the space after that. There was some notation/sound combination that was triggering a failure in there. Not sure how I will resolve it, but your experience is not isolated. I haven't tried to export the audio without playback yet. Trying that next. Next step is to delete part by part in that range to see if a single part is causing the issue. I have a sneaky suspicion that the issue is percussion related, because it didn't show up until I started writing in snare and timpani material.

Edit: In my case, it was a Timpani part. I removed that part and it played/rendered fine. So I rendered the Timp separate from the rest and mixed it in Audacity.

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