List of things I can't do on MuseScore 4

• Dec 25, 2022 - 20:05

I tried comparing MuseScore 3 and MuseScore 4's functionality. This is what I've been able to find so far.

  1. On the MIDI Keyboard that's opened from pressing "P" on your keyboard, you can't hold down the keys to lengthen the note.

  2. I can't adjust the velocity of the individual Dynamic Signs.
    Having 2 or more different Dynamic Signs at the same spot confuses the software. You can't tell which one is registered without being able to check their velocity level.

I'll share a MuseScore file I have where there's multiple Dyanmics mashed up together. It sounds the way I intended on MuseScore 3, but not MuseScore 4.
For humans, we're able to tell those dynamics are separated by voices. But, not the software.

I do realize the way that this software registers Dynamics have changed.
But, it makes all of our past works unplayable which we would have to fix if we ever choose to.

  1. Attempting to open a 2nd MuseScore file opens up a 2nd client instead of a 2nd tab like you normally would in browsers.

  2. I can't customize the background color of my music score/sheet music.

  3. On the staff/stave, if there's a longer note under/above a shorter note, I'm unable to highlight just the first set of notes/chords.
    It automatically forces me to highlight everything under/above the longer note.

Edit : It's buggy. It sometimes doesn't work.

  1. Arpeggio Sign still doesn't work across staffs/staves. Example : a piano chord on from the left hand to the right hand.

  2. Arpeggio still fails to be applied to notes from different voices. Example : Voice 1, Voice 2, Voice 3 notes together.

  3. Playback sometimes fail to have any sound.

  4. There's lag between bars during playback if the notes are shorter than semiquavers.

  5. The software creates a heavy reverb effect for other piano soundfonts on high notes.

  6. CTRL + W on the keyboard closes the entire client.

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