MuseScore GrandOrgue mashup?

• Dec 27, 2022 - 09:18

Musescore currently does not satisfactorily allow playback of organ music. I have experience of the free GrandOrgue, with its links to some superb free samplesets. I even created a smple set of my local church organ. Might it be possible to create a plugin which integrates with a selected GrandOrgue definition file?

I think that the first requirement for MuseScore would be to allow multiple instruments (i.e. stops) per voice or staff, and allow these to be changed during the course of a score.

I am sure many people have already considered this, so do not want to reinvent the wheel. For now, I'll start playing around with qml code to create a demo (more for my own interest and amusement at ths stage).

What do you think?


for MS3, see dev handbook Plugins for 3.x,
ms4 i haven't experience, see Plugins for 4.x

> integrates with a selected GrandOrgue definition file
are you refering to instruments.xml? doesn't MS3 load it only once at app start? how do you edit staff or add channels inside Musescore ?

> allow these to be changed during the course of a score.
you must know already but just in case
handbook eg pizz.
also dev handbook eg pizz.

I know little about organ except the picture in my head with dracula.
Wish you success in your project.

In reply to by msfp

Thanks. I wasn't aware that MuseScore allowed instrument change on the same staff.
I believe that the Hauptwerk format is XML, but the GrandOrgue definition file is not. It is a text file though (albeit a bit fiddly to get right). I can probably use polyphone(?) to convert the mp3 sample files (one looping file per pipe) to create sfz sound files. If MS would allow multiple instruments (i.e. stops) per staff that would be good, but not sure you can at the moment.

I'm sure others must have already looked at this, and I don't want to reinvent the wheel.

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