WHY CAN'T I USEFULLY COPY & PASTE INTO THE SAME MEASURE? i.e., score 1: measure 1 voice 1 copy, score 2 paste measure 1 voice 2

• Dec 28, 2022 - 20:31

This seems like an obvious feature to include. And the only reason I can fathom developers disallowing this easily included functionality would be one of ideological disagreement, as if copy-pasting a voice from one score into the next is somehow 'wrong'.

Can someone please tell me how I can combine voices into a single measure? i.e., when transcribing SATBP to GUITAR?

For example, I have a Bach piece with 10 voices, and each voice has 2-3 notes in the same measure. If I copy voice 1 and paste it into guitar measure 1 - great. Voice 1 is there. But if I copy voice 2 on the Bach piece and paste it into measure 1 on the guitar, it ERASES the first voice. If I exchange voices 1-2, and try to paste it as voice 1 - IT DOESN'T LET ME PASTE.

IF I "combine measures" it literally just makes the measure long, extending off the printable page, and retains the same number of voices, effectively not combining anything.

Or maybe a better way to put it is: how can I COPY MULTIPLE VOICES in the SAME MEASURE from Score #1 and PASTE these MULTIPLE VOICES as a SINGLE VOICE in the SAME MEASURE in Score #2?

OR do you really actually have to, one by one, enter the notes. Click Voice 2 enter notes, one by one. Side by side have the scores up. click voice 3 enter the notes, one by one. Etc?

I can't think of a more obviously useful function that could be OPTIONAL and defined by the user even. So can someone tell me what I'm missing? What is the rationale behind disallowing this feature?


If I'm following you correctly, no you can't copy multiple voices into one staff.
You said you have a piece with ten voices. Do you mean ten staves or four staves with multiple voices, or something else?
C + P for voices doesn't seem possible in several cases. I doubt it has anything to do ideology.

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