Image editing in MuseScore 4

• Jan 1, 2023 - 05:57

So when creating scores, I usually like to add a picture as a cover to make the score look more 'put together' and it adds a nice effect. However, I recently tried this in MuseScore 4 and I was able to load the image just fine (png), but was unable to edit it. Over in the properties panel, I was able to minimally edit position, but there is no choice for changing size or being able to change it with the handles that frames and text boxes have. Am I missing something? This is just a minor problem, so if it's just a bug or something that is not in MuseScore 4, I'll just work around it. I have not found anything about this in the handbook for MS4.


The problem is that the frame is not letting you see the handles of the image for resizing, and the workaround is to shrink the frame so that it's smaller than the image. Then you can resize the image, then afterwards set the size of the frame how you wish. Apparently there will be a proper fix for this eventually.

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