Changing grand staff bach chorale to four "parts"

• Jan 2, 2023 - 21:18

Hi, I just upgraded to Muse 4.0 and am not happy with a change it seems to have made automagically. I was using a set of Bach chorales I downloaded under Muse 3.x which kept the grand staff look but made SATB each a separate "part" or voice. That was really nice because I could use the Mixer to mute any combination of SATB desired so as to hear just soprano and bass for example.

After the upgrade, it smushed all of voices into one "part" and I can no longer use the Mixer to do this. Is there a way to break the SATB into separate parts or voices again?

Thx, Dan


Perhaps the conversion from MS3 to MS4 lost the settings for the important hidden text S/A and T/B?
And/or lost the critical instrument settings of "Women" and "Men"?

Having looked at these two elements (S/A and T/B) on the Text Palette in MS4, I cannot see any way to set the channel information for S/A and T/B text as I usually do in MS3. So I suspect that this is one of the features not yet available in MS4.

I create a lot of Closed Stave SATB practice files, so for me it's a big obstacle to adopting MS4.

In reply to by DanielR

In the immortal words of Homer (Simpson): "Doh!" Thank you for the head's up on MSkindasortanearly4 features yet to be realized. I definitely do not want to look at Bach 4-part chorale style spread out over 4 separate staves. Kills the buzz when you are dissecting voice leading, harmonic progressions, counterpoint etc. It was written for keyboard on a Grand Staff, no need to muck with that.

As one Daniel to another, thanks for making sure no Dan is left behind.

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