Volta Font Editing - Eliminated

• Jan 3, 2023 - 06:38

In Musescore 3, the inspector was able to edit the style of volta texts - italics, font size, etc...

This seems to have been eliminated in Musescore 4 - when clicking on the Volta and going to properties - text, it no longer has these options.

In the attached files, you will see that my formatting for the volta from MS3 is retained. However, proceeding forward with MS4, I am unable to edit this to achieve italics and smaller font size. This is also generally true for Staff Text options with the line and a few other features. I've attached a PDF in case the mscz doesn't come out correctly.

Attachment Size
6th - Table.mscz 41.09 KB
6th INCOMPLETE - Table.pdf 89.82 KB


Yes, this is a known limitation, expected to be addressed in a coming update.

But note, you can change the style setting - you just can't override the style.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella


Thank you for the reply (and the general work you do with musescore). Apologies for my ignorance, but where can I change the style setting for the volta text? When I go Format > Style > Volta, it does not provide an option to edit the text style.

Also, what is the general timeline for updates?

Thank you in advance,

In reply to by eh1683

You're welcome! Text styles are in Format / Style / Text styles. Then look for Volta.

There is no specific timeline for updates, but I'd expect to see bug fixes releases (4.0.1 etc) every few weeks at first until things stabilize, then feature release (4.1, 4.2 etc) maybe once or twice a year, but that's really just guessing.

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