Can't mark specific notes for l.h for a piano sheet

• Jan 3, 2023 - 19:26

I was looking for a symbol for Left hand but couldn't find one. I started looking on the forum if anyone previously looked for this before and apparently the way to do it is with a Staff text which is ok for me. The only problem is that I can only place it above the notes and can't specify which notes I want the interpreter to play with the Left hand. I'm transcribing a song and I'm trying to be as faithful to the original as possible. I'll leave a example so it's easier to see what I'm trying to do.

I'm new to Musescore 4 and to scorewriting in general and I did read a lot of the handbook but I still couldn't find exactly what I was looking for. Sorry if I missed something too obvious.


MuseScore adheres to the SMuFL standard. Unless a symbol already exists in SMuFL (Standard Music Font Layout), you probably won't find it in the MuseScore palettes. I had a look at the SMuFL font section called "Keyboard techniques", and there doesn't seem to be a specific named symbol for what is a pretty complex shape anyway.

But MuseScore does provide the components for what you want. Try this:
1. Select the required note
2. Open the Master palette (Shift+F9 in Windows), click on the Symbols section
3. In the Search box, type play with to find relevant symbols
4. Hover over each symbol the see its description
5. Click the required symbol, close Master Palette
6. Adjust the symbol's position in the Properties panel

Labour-intensive? Sorry, yes. And you didn't miss the obvious, because I had to hunt a bit too...

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